18 years old Littleleaf linden in a bonsai pot. This bonsai is approx. 55cm high.
A Littleleaf linden (also Common Lime, English Lime, European Small-leaf Lime, European Small-leaf Limetree, European Small-leaf Linden, botanically Tilia cordata, family Tiliaceae) is very suitable for bonsai styling. This linden has small leaves, is as a bonsai extremely cut-tolerated and a lime bonsai is recommended for beginners because it is easy to maintain. Linden trees are particularly suitable for large bonsai (>50cm). This kind of outdoor bonsai are not often offered.
A Small-leaved lime prefers a sunny position but it tolerates partial shade very well. Protected against drying a lime bonsai can withstand long periods of freezing in the winter well. A well-permeable substrate, as well as a constant humidity without excessive wetting is fine for the linden tree.
Following a sharp cut linden get lots of new buds. A linden tree bonsai can be repeatedly cut during the year. This makes it easy to style bonsai. Linden wood is soft and can be bent sharply. The small-leaved lime is suitable for many bonsai styles, particularly broom style, formal and unformal upright style. In addition, linden bonsai tolerates a complete leaf cut well.
When ordering, you will always get the bonsai displayed on the picture (no. 181-51).
Important note on the size: A bonsai is a tree in a bonsai pot. For this reason the size of the bonsai is in every case the size with the bonsai pot.