AIOI: Double or twin stem. In the broadest sense, it means the proximity of 2 trunks or 2 trees, so it can be 1 or 2 trees (see also SOJU, SOKAN)
ARA-KAWACHO: Name for a tree with a rough, cracked bark
ARA-KI: Freshly dug tree (suitable for further design for bonsai)
ASHI: Feet of a bonsai pot
BANKAN: Bonsai with bent trunk
BONKEI: Natural landscape of plants, stones, figures (people and animals) and houses in a pot
BUNJIN: Literary form. Very playful. Large parts of the trunk mostly without branches
BUNJINGI: s. Bunjin
CHOKKAN: Strictly upright form. Typical is a straight single trunk with symmetrically balanced branches. Rectangular, round or oval pots are suitable for this style
CHUMONO: Description for bonsai with a size of 0.4 to 1.0 m
CHU-SHAKKAN: Bonsai style with clearly inclined trunk
DAI-KENGAI: Strong cascade with almost vertically downwards bent trunk
DAIKI: Name for mother plant or rhizome
DAI-SHAKKAN: Bonsai style with an extremely inclined trunk
EDA ZASHI: Branch cut
EDA-JIN: Branches that were artificially bleached
EDA-NUKI: Branch cut, better cutting off unnecessary branches
EDA-ZASHI: Branch cut
FUKINAGASHI: Bonsai designed in the style of the windswept form. Suitable pot shapes: rectangular or oval
FUTAMATA-EDA: Y-shaped branch. Mostly a mistake
FUTOKORO-EDA: Branch between 2 other branches. Mostly a design mistake
FUYODO: Upper layer of the forest floor with a large proportion of half-rotted leaves
GAITO-KENGAI: Arched cascade
GIKKURI-MAGARI: Zigzagged trunk. Does not look harmonious and is therefore to be regarded as a mistake
GOBO-NE: Name for a taproot
GO-KAN: Bonsai with a 5-fold trunk
GORO-TSUCHI: Coarse-grained soil
GYAKU BOSORI-EDA: Inverted branch, i. thin at the base, later thicker. Should be avoided
GYAKU-EDA: Branch bent back to stem. Mostly a design mistake
HA ZASHI: Technique of leaf cutting
HAGARI: Leaf cut or plucking the leaves
HAMIZU: Sprinkle leaves with water
HAN-EN-EDA: Arched branch. Mostly a mistake
HANKAN: Bonsai with strongly bent trunk
HAN-KENGAI: Semi Cascade shape. Mostly in round or square pots
HARIGANEKAKE: Wiring of a bonsai
HATOMUNE: Faulty trunk with bends in direction to the viewer
HA-ZASHI: Term for leaf incision
HIGE NE: Fine roots of a tree
HIJI TSUKI-EDA: Elbow-shaped branch. Not harmonious. Must usually be removed
HOKIDACHI: Bonsai in broom form
HOKI-ZUKURI: Broom form
HONBACHI: Bonsai pot
ICHI-NO-EDA: Lowest branch of a bonsai. Point to the right or left, never forward or backward
IKADABUKI: Raft form. Branches of a fallen tree develop into stems that are interconnected
ISHIT-SUKI: Rock Bonsai. Grows on or in a rock. The roots stick to the stone and reach to the ground
ITO-KENGAI: Thread-like downward sloping trunk and branches
IWAYAMA: Bonsai style ISHIT-SUKI (rock form). A tree growing over a stone
JIN: Dead trunk or branch. Jin is often artificially induced in bonsai by peeling the bark and then bleaching and emphasizing the age of bonsai
JU SEI: Growth of the tree
JU-SHIN: Crown or tip of a tree or bonsai
KABUDACHI: Bonsai with several stems that grow from a root (see also SOKAN, SANKAN, GOKAN). Usually a trunk dominates
KABUWAKE: Separating or dividing the root to propagate the plant
KAERUMATA-EDA: U-shaped branch. Mostly a design mistake
KANJU: Deciduous trees
KANNUKI-EDA: Branches with opposite arrangement. Doesn't normally look pretty
KANSUI: Watering
KANUMA TSUCHI: Bonsai substrate. Mixture of sand and clay
KARAMI-EDA: Twisted branch. Mostly a mistake
KARIKOMI: Pruning leaves and branches
KASANE-EDA: Parallel growing branches. Mostly a mistake
KASA-ZUKURI: Umbrella shape
KATADE-MOCHE: Bonsai with a size between 20 and 40 cm
KENGAI: Normal cascade form. Bonsai with bent trunk. Tip often clearly below the root. A high pot is recommended to give this form the necessary balance. Suitable pot shapes: round or square. KENGAI is also the generic term for other cascade forms (see HAN-KENGAI, DAI-KENGAI, GAITO-KENGAI, TAKI-KENGAI, ITO-KENGAI, TAKAN-KENGAI)
KESHI-TSUBU: Tiny bonsai significantly below 10 cm
KESHO TSUCHI: Substrate: Silvery-white soil (sand). Serves as jewelry
KO EDA: Fine branches
KOKEJUN: Trunk that tapers towards the top
KOMONO: Bonsai with a size between 12 and 20 cm
KOSA-EDA: Crossing branches. Design error - should be avoided
KUIKIRI: Conkav cutter
KUMADE: Claw-shaped scratching tool for removing the earth from a root ball. Often with a spatula on the other end
KURO-TSUCHI: Substrate: clay with black tint
KUROPOKA: Substrate: clay type
KURUMA-EDA: Branches are arranged in spoke forn. Design error
KUSURI-MONO: Glazed bonsai pot
MAME: Bonsai smaller than 10 cm
MEIBOKU: Bonsai of old age
METSUKI-EDA: Forward (towards the viewer) growing branch
ME-TSUMI: Pluck leaves
MIKI: Trunk
MIKI KIRI-EDA: Branch that crosses the trunk. Usually an error
MI-MONO: Fruit bearing bonsai
MISHO: Made from seeds
MISHO MOMO: Bonsai drawn from seeds
MIZO-GOKE: Water moss (Sphagnum)
MIZU-GIRE: Water shortage
MOYOGI: Free upright form with a slightly curved trunk. Probably the most common bonsai style. Suitable bonsai pots are rectangular, rectangular rounded or oval
NE ZASHI: Root pruning
NEGARI: Root stem or stilt root bonsai
NEBARI: Visible roots
NEJIKAN: Bonsai with twisted trunk
NETSURANARI: Bonsai form with several trees growing from a root that crawls across the ground
NI-NO-EDA: The 2nd branch of a bonsai. If possible pointing in the opposite direction from the 1st branch (see ICHI-NO-EDA)
NIWA-GI: Shaped tree in the earth (that is, without shell, mostly in gardens and parks). Not commonly referred to as bonsai
OKI-GOE: Fertilizer in ball or powder form
OMONO: Large bonsai to about 1.30 m without pot
ROBOKU: Old bonsai
ROSOKU-ZUKURI: Flame shape. Upright trunk with a crown similar to a candle flame
SABA-MIKI: Split trunk
SAGARI-EDA: Significantly down-growing branch. Mostly a mistake
SAIKEI: Rocky landscape with trees but without human or animal figures
SANKAN: 3-fold trunk from a root (father, mother, son)
SASHI-HO: Cuttings
SASHI-KI: Propagation by cuttings
SEISHI: Bonsai design, shaping
SENTEI: General term for pruning
SHAKAN: Bonsai with more or less inclined trunks (see also SHO-SHAKKAN, CHU-SHAKKAN, DAI-SHAKKAN). Oval or rectangular bowls are suitable
SHAKKAN-MOYOGI: Combination of the free upright shape and the inclined shape
SHARI-MIKI: Bonsai trunk with partially peeled bark (driftwood)
SHIN: Tree top
SHINKIRE-EDA: Maimed branch. Mostly a mistake
SHINME ZASHI: Cutting young shoots
SHINNASHI: Tree tip not available. Mostly a mistake
SHIZEN-ZUKURI: Bonsai form. Very natural look. Should not be designed too strict
SHOHAKU: Coniferous trees (Coniferous)
SHOHIN: Bonsai smaller than 15 cm
SHO-SHAKKAN: Bonsai style with slightly inclined trunk
SOJU: Double trunk, consisting of 2 plants
SOKAN: Double trunk from a root
SUIBAN: Flat pot without water hole
SUI-BAN: Flat pot without drainage hole. Will be used for the presentation of Suiseki
SUISEKI: Rock landscapes in a flat pot
TACHI AGARI: Basis of a trunk
TACHI-EDA: Vertical branch growing upwards. Not harmonious. Mostly a mistake
TACHI-GI: Upright bonsai forms. Generic term for e.g. MOYOGI, BUNJIN, CHOKKAN
TAKAN-KENGAI: 3-trunk or multi-stemmed cascade shape
TAKI-KENGAI: Waterfall cascade
TAMA-ZUKURI: Upright shape with ovale to round appearance
TANEGI: Starting plant, raw material for the bonsai design
TEKISHIN: Designation for the removal of shoots
TENJINGAWA SUNA: Substrate: Coarse sand
TEPPO MIKI: Rifle trunk. Design error
TOCHO SHI: Too long branch
TSUGI KI: Grafting
TSUGIKI-MONO: Bonsai obtained by grafting
TSURI-O-TORU: Attach the plant to the pot
YAMADORI: Bonsai taken from nature
YAMADORI-SHITATE: Bonsai made from a Yamadori
YOBI TSUGI: Grafting, refining
YOSE-UYE: Forest form. Group planting with several (odd number) trees. pots: Rectangular or oval
YUMI-KAN: Arched trunk. Design error