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Firethorn (Pyracantha)

Firethorn bonsai (Pyracantha) are very decorative bonsai trees due to their showy flowers and fruits.

What are the advantages of the firethorn for bonsai design ?

  • Firethorn bonsai trees form abundant white flowers and are attractive flowering bonsai.
  • The many fruits stay on the bonsai for a long time. An eye-catcher in every collection.
  • It is evergreen. So you can enjoy a firethorn bonsai all year round.
  • The bonsai care is straightforward. This makes it a good bonsai for beginners.
  • A firethorn can only be formed by pruning. Wiring is often unnecessary.
  • The bark is dark in age and slightly cracked. This looks nice on a bonsai.
  • A firethorn quickly forms a thick trunk and sprouts out well after pruning

We mostly offer the Mediterranean firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea) and the Narrow leaved firethorn (Pyracantha angustifolia). Here you can buy your bonsai. All bonsai are shown individually. After placing an order, you will receive exactly the bonsai tree that you have selected. Safely packaged.

Unfortunately, there are currently no items in this product group in stock. We strive to replenish stock quickly.

Care in a nutshell

Fertilisation: If fast and strong growth is desired in the cultivation of prebonsai, a nitrogen-rich bonsai fertilizer such as Biogold and Hanagokoro is recommended. In more mature bonsai, the application of liquid fertilizers (which contain very little nitrogen with 3%) can improve the flowering and fruiting.

Irrigation: Firethorn bonsai can withstand short periods of drought. Nevertheless, you should keep them evenly moist, especially during flowering and fruit ripening. If the substrate is too dry during this time, it may throw off some of the flowers and fruits. If a firethorn blooms, the flowers should not get wet when watering. The flowers then wither faster and the fruiting is not quite as abundant.

Overwintering: For a firethorn, a bright and cool wintering in an unheated greenhouse or a plastic tent at temperatures of 0-5°C is optimal. Heavy permanent frosts should be avoided. Overwintering like an indoor bonsai in the apartment is not recommended. It is too warm in the apartment and the bonsai consumes too much of its reserve material due to its high metabolism.

Pruning: Do not cut firethorn bonsai too late in the year or part of the flower buds for the next year will be removed. The firethorn will sprout very well even after a drastic cut and the cutting is uncomplicated.

Repotting: Every 3-4 years firethorn bonsai are repotted with a slight root pruning into a well-drained bonsai soil like Akadama. The best time for this is in early March.

Wiring: Firethorn bonsai can be wired, but it can often be dispensed with. For beginners forming by cutting is advisable because wiring a firethorn with bonsai wire is a bit difficult (the thorns and leaves interfere at work and the hard branches break easily when bending and shaping).

Firethorn bonsai (Pyracantha coccinea) with flowers
Firethorn bonsai (Pyracantha coccinea) with flowers and unripe fruits
Firethorn bonsai (Pyracantha coccinea) with fruits

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