12 years old Snowrose in a bonsai pot. This tree is approx. 55cm high and we deliver it with a saucer plate.
The Snowrose (commonly known as Tree of thousand stars or Japanese Boxthorn, botanical Serissa foetida, family Rubiaceae) is originated in South- and East Asia (India, China, Japan).
This indoor bonsai flowers in nature all years round. As a bonsai it shows flowers mainly in june or jule. The Snow rose is an ideal bonsai for beginners and professional.
All year round the Snow rose can be held indoor. But in summer a half-shady location outside is very favorable.
In winter your Snow rose feels fine at a very bright window. A high humidity is an advantage.
Also a cool, bright location in winter (more than 7 degrees) will be fine for this kind of tree.
When ordering, you will always get the bonsai displayed on the picture (no. 121-10).
Important note on the size: A bonsai is a tree in a bonsai pot. For this reason the size of the bonsai is in every case the size with the bonsai pot.