9 years old Japanese Crabapple in a bonsai pot. This bonsai tree is approx. 47cm high.
The Japanese mountain crabapple bonsai (commonly also called Toringo crabapple or Siebold's crabapple, botanical Malus toringo sargentii, family Roses - Rosaceae) is popular as an ornamental apple bonsai because of its white pink blossom (flowering April, fragrant) and numerous small fruits. It grows rapidly so it is easy to style a nice bonsai crown in a short period of time.
The Japanese mountain apple origins, as the name suggests, from Japan and is as a bonsai absolutely hardy down to -10°C at minimum.
As the bonsai tree the Japanese mountain crabapple prefers a well drained, nutrient-rich substrate and a sunny location in summer.
When ordering, you will always get the bonsai displayed on the picture (no. 092-06).
Important note on the size: A bonsai is a tree in a bonsai pot. For this reason the size of the bonsai is in every case the size with the bonsai pot.