20 years old Chinese juniper in a bonsai pot. This bonsai is approx. 22cm high and was imported directly from a japanese bonsai nursery.
The Chinese juniper (botanical name Juniperus chinensis, Family Cypresses - Cupressaceae) is an evergreen conifer from Japan and China. He reached at home heights of 3 to 5m, sometimes much higher.
The older, scale-like needles are very dense forming soft cushion. Thus, with some work a very nice, pleasing crown shape can be styled and formed.
The reddish brown bark is a very ornamental focus in the design of bonsai from Chinese juniper and is one reason why it is very popular for bonsai styling.
As an outdoor bonsai it tolerates well temperatures below zero and so it is winter hardy. A sunny location is best suited for the Chinese juniper.
When ordering, you will always get the bonsai displayed on the picture (no. 201-04).
Important note on the size: A bonsai is a tree in a bonsai pot. For this reason the size of the bonsai is in every case the size with the bonsai pot.