18 years old European hornbeam in a bonsai pot. This bonsai is approx. 48cm high.
The bonsai cultivation of Hornbeam is widespread. The hornbeam is suitable for many bonsai styles, particularly formal and unformal upright style. Following a sharp cut hornbeam bonsai get lots of new buds. This tree tolerates pruning very well. That means a hornbeam can be repeatedly cut during the year. In addition Hornbeam bonsai tolerates a complete leaf cut well. This makes it easy to style a hornbeam bonsai.
The European hornbeam (also Common hornbeam, botanically Carpinus betulus, family Birches - Betulaceae) is very common in europe. It grows up to 10m height, sometimes to 20m. The wood is very hard and was formerly used for shipbuilding. The tree is an easy-held outdoor bonsai. Like other species of carpinus it is important to ensure good drainage. The soil should be kept moist in a uniform manner. The repotting is done in march, when the buds begin to swell.
In GB hornbeam bonsai should be placed in full sun. Hold in winter, e.g. in an unheated tent it tolerates frosts down to -15°C well. Sometimes a part of (in winter) brown leaves remain on the tree until spring.
When ordering, you will always get the bonsai displayed on the picture (no. 151-04).
Important note on the size: A bonsai is a tree in a bonsai pot. For this reason the size of the bonsai is in every case the size with the bonsai pot.